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Thank you to our community

During this really challenging time for our community, we are so delighted to report that St Luke’s Hospital has been supported by individuals and businesses who have been so thoughtful. There cannot be one person in the UK who has not been affected in some way by the Covid-19 virus. We are of course in lockdown at St Luke’s with our team working to keep our patients as well as one another safe.

It is a lovely and very kind surprise when we receive these amazing donations out of the blue. It certainly lifts the spirits of our patients and the team when these gifts arrive at the Hospital. We want to thank each person and business who has given us a wonderful donation over the past few weeks:

Thank you to……

  • Douglas Hansen-Luke and Nikki Williams-Ellis who donated 400 visors.

  • Mark Johnstone of JSP in Minster Lovell who donated masks and spectacles.

  • Witney Freemasons donated PPE.

  • Domino’s pizza for some lovely pizza for the staff team.

  • The residents of Latimer Road, who have been very kind. In the summer, they donated baskets of fruit for the staff on each floor; one week from one side of the road and the next from the other side. At Christmas they kindly donated wrapped gifts for every resident.

  • Laura Heybrook from Dale and Heybrook Garden Designers who kindly donated her time and expertise to design the new garden areas that we are now putting in place.

We look forward to helping you with your enquiry,

please do not hesitate to contact us at any time

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St Luke's Hospital

Latimer Road




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© 2024 by St Luke's Hospital, Oxford  St Luke's Hospital is a trading name of St Luke's Oxford, a company limited by guarantee, and registered in England and Wales. Registration number 1989868.  St Luke's Oxford is also a registered charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales number 293522.

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